
pause sound

ECHOLALIA (limited signed edition)

PRICE: Digital Album €6

ECHOLALIA is an electroacoustic piece in 4 movements. All the sounds originate from a single voice recording made at the GRM studios (Paris) in 2010. The compositions were created between 2010 and 2013 as live and radio commissioned pieces. 1-The Voice of Disquiet (04'54") 
2- Medusa (22'00")
 3- Riddle (06'26") 
4- The Secret Song of Molpe (12'05")creditsreleased 03 January 2014 Mixing and Mastering  : Robert Hampson. Artwork: Frank Booth Acknowledgements  : Robert Hampson, Christian Zanési, Patrick Treguer, Marika Boutou, Aymeric de Tapol.tags 


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